Our Board of Trustees placed Measures PP and QQ on the November 5 ballot to fund facility upgrades at our school sites and district facilities. These measures are both General Obligation (GO) bond measures, which will authorize $67 million (PP) and $58 million (QQ) to improve district facilities. As California’s Proposition 2, authorizing bonds for Public School and Community College Facilities, also passed, we will qualify for matching funds from the state to supplement our bond monies.
Our potential construction and renovation projects include modernized classrooms, upgraded building infrastructures, improved security systems, updated HVAC and electrical, expanded technology networks, and the development of affordable housing options for employees.
There are many people to thank for the success of this bond initiative, starting with our Board of Trustees, the community members that endorsed the Measures (Barbara Elliott-Sanders, Shane Hoffos, Jannet Medina, and Cheryl Quinones), and of course, the voters.
In addition, there were several community partners that donated to the success of the Measures, including MA Engineers, SMR-ISD Consulting Structural Engineers, TBP/Architecture, Veregy, Kitchell, Van Pelt Construction, and J.M. King Consulting. Special thanks to DAHLIN for sponsoring the campaign kick-off event.
Our sincerest thanks to all who supported Measures PP and QQ! We will be soliciting public input on the projects to share with the Board as they prioritize projects. We look forward to starting work during the 2025-2026 school year!
Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!