Health and Nursing Services
Mission Statement
The South Bay Union School District Department of Health and Nursing Services seeks to promote and support the health and well-being of students, allowing them to succeed and reach their full potential not only educationally but also as members of the community.
Health and Nursing Services Program
Health Q & A
Student Illness
Click here for guidelines on when to or not to send student to school
School Nurses provide hearing and vision screenings to students in state mandated grades (KN, 2nd, 5th, 8th) as well as to students needing a health assessment (ie. IEP) or from staff concern. Student will receive a notice only if they failed the hearing or vision screening. When parents receive the notice/referral, prompt follow-up should take place. If parent/guardian is in need of support in getting following, please contact your school office and ask to contact the school nurse regarding the students referral.
Health Offices is the main location for sick and injured students to be attended to. School Nurses are not in the health office daily; health office needs are serviced by Health Clerks on their scheduled days, or by office staff. All staff who attend to our sick and injured students are first aid certified and the School Nurse is notified if illness/injury is beyond the scope of the practice of the school staff. If your student comes to the health office for illness or injury, a notification slip (yellow half-sheet) will be sent home with the student to notify you of student's health office visit. If you should have any questions/concerns regarding teh health office visit, please contact the school office.
Health Requirements
Head Lice
Staff Resource Library
Hand Foot Mouth-CDC podcast
If your student has or is expected to have a servere allergic reaction to allergens (food, insect bites, etc.) and is in need of medical intervention, please do the following:
1) Notify the office/school nurse
2) Have your doctor complete the Allergy Action Plan (PDF below) and Medication Authorization (PDF below)