Facilities & Maintenance
Facilities, Maintenance & Operations
The South Bay Union School District recognizes the impact facilities have on the academic success of students, and working conditions for all staff members. In an effort to provide settings that optimize learning, the District continues to pursue innovative approaches and funding strategies for school construction and modernization. Guiding the District's decision-making process related to facilities includes an up-to-date, comprehensive facilities master plan, as well as a study of enrollment trends, asset management strategies, and sound budget planning. The District follows a preventative maintenance schedule that ensures ongoing, quality maintenance of all facilities and budgeting process.
Facilities Planning, Energy Management & Safety
- Grants
- Energy and Safety Projects
- Modernization Projects
- New construction
- Remodeling Projects
- RFP and Bids
Interested contractors wishing to participate, or are interested in performing public works construction projects, can register their firm for inclusion on a list of bidders. Please visit our PURCHASING DEPT (or click on our Central Services tab, Purchasing) to get started.
American Disability Act (ADA) Access
When building or altering buildings, the District ensures they meet program accessibility requirements under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please contact Francisco Franco, the Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Facilities, with any comments, questions, or concerns.
Contact Information
Director of Maintenance, Operations & Facilities / Phone: 619-628-3590 / [email protected]
EMAIL Francisco Franco
Maintenance & Operations
Our Maintenance and Operations Department is responsible for repairs and maintenance of our school and department sites, as well as grounds. The Maintenance & Operations Department utilizes a formalized work order system to ensure tasks are organized, assigned to a particular technician and completed in a timely manner. Our technicians are highly skilled and are specialized in various disciplines such as plumbing, HVAC, lighting, carpentry, electronics, doors and locks, as well as other areas. Maintenance is also responsible for repairs to school property that may have been vandalized.
For TRANSPORTATION information, please visit our Transportation web page.
Our goal is to maintain safe, quality facilities for our students and staff.
- AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) Indoor Air Quality
- Integrated Pest Management
- Routine Repairs and Maintenance
- Safety and Cleanliness
- Storm Water Management

Contact our Maintenance and Operations Staff:
Francisco Franco
Director of Maintenance, Operations & Facilities / Phone: 619-628-3590 / [email protected]
EMAIL Francisco Franco
James Meyer
Assistant Director of Maintenance, Operations & Facilities / Phone: 619-628-3593 / [email protected]
Raul Garcia Reynaga, Maintenance & Custodial Supervisor / Phone: 619-628-3592 / [email protected]
Ernesto Ramirez, Maintenance Lead Person / Phone: 619-628-3587 / [email protected]
Efren Murillo, Lead Landscaper & Grounds Specialist / [email protected]
Vicky Ferra, Administrative Secretary / Phone: 619-628-3591 / [email protected]
Office Hours are 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Location: 2000 Leon Ave, San Diego, CA 92154